By joining Anglican Deacons Canada (ADC)—formerly the Association of Anglican Deacons in Canada (AADC)— you support the work of ADC to strengthen the Order of Deacons within the Anglican Church of Canada.  In June 2024, our members endorsed an ambitious, forward looking strategic plan to guide our work and we need your support to bring it to fruition!

What does ADC do?

ADC supports Canadian deacons through shared learning and networking at our in-person triennial conference, by researching current practices in deacon formation and deployment and promoting best practices, and by educating the Church about deacons and our collective call as followers of Jesus to service and witness (diakonia).

Our website, Facebook Page and Facebook Discussion Group connect deacons to relevant resources and to each other and our Director of Deacons Network supports those involved in the formation, deployment and oversight of deacons in dioceses across Canada.

We also offer online educational opportunities, such as our new bimonthly Deacons' Book Club, occasional webinars and the online Preaching Conference for Deacons we offered in partnership with the Episcopal Preaching Foundation in February 2024.