Summary of March 2021 ADC Board Meeting
- The Board invited two guests to assist us in making an informed decision about whether to recommend that ADC federally incorporate as a non-profit association; register as a charity; or remain an unincorporated association. The presentations from Deacon Eric Tusz-King, Diakonia of the United Church of Canada (DUCC) staff and Deacon Rod McDowell, a lawyer and judge from the Diocese of Niagara were informative. At its April meeting, the Board will decide.
- Serve on the Board! Nominations will open soon for election to the Board at the online Triennial Members Meeting which will take place on Sat. July 10, 2021.
- ADC membership is growing . . . now 83.
- ADC's 2021 Virtual Conference “Deacons in a Pandemic and its Aftermath: Coming Together in Virtual Community” will take place July 9 & 10. This event is being organized and hosted by the College of Deacons in the Diocese of Niagara. Visit link above for more info. Registration through Eventbrite will go live soon.
- The Board had a lively discussion about the range and extent of deacon involvement in the Maundy Thursday liturgies of different parishes as well as models for discernment for the diaconate involving more than one diocese.
- Check out this link for Association for Episcopal Deacons (AED)’s “Young Deacons” group
- The board recommends the upcoming 4-part series on Housing organized by the Sorrento Centre and Empire Remixed. Deacon Michael Shapcott is the Executive Director of the Sorrento Centre.