This Sunday February 27 our Lutheran siblings in Christ celebrate Diaconal Sunday.
Through our baptism, all Christians are called to share God's word and to serve our neighbours in Christ's name. Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) celebrate the witness expressed through service (diakonia) by all the baptized each year on the last Sunday of February.
Diaconal Sunday is also a day to recognize and give thanks to God for all who serve in official calls as deacons in the ELCIC.
Here is a prayer for Diaconal Ministry from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (pp.73):
God of compassion, your Son came among us not to be served but
to serve. We give you thanks for the people whom you have called
to the diaconal ministry of word and service. Give them faith to
serve you with gladness; sustain them with a living hope, especially
in the time of despair; and kindle in them your love, so that they
see in every neighbour the face of Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose
name we pray. Amen.
Perhaps Canadian Anglican Deacons should encourage members of the Anglican Church of Canada to observe this Sunday too. It would be a day well worth celebrating with our full communion partners in ministry!
You can download the Diaconal Sunday 2022 resource sheet below.
Source: ELCIC News: February 22, 2022