As you may know the Association of Anglican Deacons in Canada (operating as Anglican Deacons Canada) is holding a national conference “Deacons in a Pandemic and its Aftermath: Gathering Together in Virtual Community” via Zoom on July 9th and 10th, 2021. This AADC conference was delayed a year due to the pandemic. Then we had hoped to meet in person in June of 2021. Unfortunately, that was not to be. All but one of the Directors elected to serve in 2017 agreed to serve an extra year as we discerned what might be the best way forward. I am very grateful to them.
Nominations for the AADC Board of Directors are now invited. Voting will take place at the AADC Members meeting to be held in conjunction with our virtual conference on Saturday, July 10, 2021 via Zoom. Attached is the “2021 Board of Directors Nominee Profile” form. It will also be posted on our website If you wish to be considered for election as a Director yourself or to nominate another member to run for election as a Director, please complete the form as required and send it to me electronically at The Nominee Profile form must be sent no later than Monday May 31, 2021 at midnight.
The nominations will be forwarded to the duly elected/appointed Nominations Committee so that they can ensure that they are in order and a summary of the information from each selected nominee will be compiled and sent electronically to all AADC members on or before June 25, 2021.
The candidate to be nominated will need to be willing to commit time, energy and support of the association and the work of the board. This is a working board with no additional staff. The bylaws state that the board should be made up of two Deacons from each of the four Ecclesiastical Provinces of the Anglican Church of Canada; two “At Large” directors who may be Deacons, Priests or Lay Persons, from any of the four Ecclesiastical Provinces; and the President of the Association for Episcopal Deacons. The term of office for Directors is three years. The current practice is the out-going president will remain on the board for one term as past president, for continuity.
It is hoped that nominees will have interest, experience, and expertise in the following areas: 1) board process, 2) communications, 3) advocacy, 4) vision/mission development and strategic plan implementation, 5) creativity and 6) joy in diaconal vocation.
We are learning much through the restrictions which have been placed on our ministries and places of worship. The long-term effects of these last pandemic months are unclear, but one thing is evident we, our work and worship will have been changed. It will be intriguing to see what shape that will take. The Primate has referred to this time as a very diaconal time in the life of the church.
I trust this will be reflected in your prayer and discernment as you consider who might be a suitable candidate to nominate as a Director for the AADC board.
Yours in the Living Christ,
Reverend Canon Nancy Ford, President